This unit is useful In determining inorganic forms of mercury and organic mercurial in drinking, surface, and saline waters, as well as domestic and Industrial waste. The Aerator has a 40-60 micron porosity cylindrical glass frit that provides even bubble distribution. It is manufactured from Wheaton 200 low extractable borosilicate glass that conforms to USP Type 1 and also ASTM E -438 Type 1. Class A requirements. Reference: U.S EPA Method 245.1, 'Manual Cold Vapor Technique."
This polyethylene cap. complete with a closed cell foam insert, snaps firmly over the flared mouth of Wheaton BOD bottles. This closure prevents the evaporation of the water seal during the five-day BOD incubation period. The foam insert fits into the cap and exerts pressure on the bottle stopper to hold it securely In place.
These stackable, rugged wire racks are plastic-coated for corrosion resistance and quietness. They provide a convenient way to transport large amounts of bottles in the lab or in the field. The rack comes in three different sizes, which hold the 60 ml or 300 ml bottles.
This rubber leash ensures that the stoppers do net become lost when collecting samples In from the field. The 10 mm diameter holes at each end of the leash expand to fit securely around both the stoppers and the bottle necks.